No weenie weekend

I've decided to let Jenn do the narrating for our all girl weekend trip to Port Aransas featuring Jenn, Melissa, Joan and me.

She's posted her pics here and mine are here.

Here's my two favorites though-

We were driving along the beach our last day and saw a man sunbathing in the bed of a truck and decided to stop and ask him to take our picture. When we got closer we realized he was wearing a turquoise thong, was super tan, and had nipple rings. He also didn't give any warning before taking a picture.
Also, Jenn almost got run over by a BUS that was driving down the beach going about 40 when she ran over to him to help him take the picture.

This is the new shark head in Port Aransas. I think I like the old one better, but this one has an inside! You can stand inside it's tummy and pretend you're Jonah.

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